Monday, September 27, 2010

Beginnings: Sustaining Our Identity and Culture in a Multicultural Society

WELCOME!  Fall quarter in the evening Beginnings: Sustaining Our Identity and Culture in a Multicultural Sociey class where we will focus on culture, identity, immigration,communication across differences and how these themes are located in our lives and in society.

The first book that we will read and discuss in class seminars is Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri--see information to learn more about her below.  Get this book, start reading(Ch. 1-5 by Oct. 6th), and begin marking passages with the following themes:  culture; identity; family; history; immigration; gender; communication.  Underline and NOTE any places where you are confused, curious, or want to refer to during discussion.  In this class, you will learn to "Mark UP" your books in order to participate in our seminars--learn more about this in class this week and next as we begin our learning community class this quarter. 

Jhumpa Lahiri

Jhumpa Lahiri has written one novel, The Namesake, and two equally compelling collections of short stories, Interpreter of Maladies and Unaccustomed Earth.  She has won a Pulitzer Prize.

Read about Lahiri on this site dedicated to the works by women of color at the University of Minnesota.

Below is an interview with the author by Arun Aguiar.  
This link is to the Seattle Public Library document called "Seattle Reads" where Lahiri was featured in 2007.  You will find some more information and some great questions about the book.